Mountain Ridge

Mountain Bike Team

Registration is now open!

The Mountain Ridge Mountain Bike Team is for athletes entering 7-12th grades in Herriman and Riverton, Utah. Athletes must be attending Mountain Ridge High School, one of its feeder schools, or reside within the high school boundaries. 

The team is run as two separate programs: athletes entering 7-8th grade in the fall are part of our Junior Devo team while 9-12th grade riders are part of the High School team.

Below is our general calendar. As events are scheduled, you can find them in TeamSnap or on our calendar page.

April: Registration

May - Oct.: Activities & Practices (Jr. Devo ends in September)

Aug. - Oct.:  Races (Region 4)

Sometime after season: Team party

We are fully sanctioned and insured by the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA). Each coach is trained and background checked by NICA annually. The Utah High School Cycling League (UHSCL) plans and executes all NICA activities in the state, including races. Our team competes in region 4 of the UHSCL.

For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Thank You to our Sponsors